Why not oppose civilisation?

After the end of Japanese rule in Korea, the country was occupied yet again, apparently to help create an independent Korean state. The Soviet Union entered the country first; the United States, in its campaign against communism, also stepped in. They agreed to draw an imaginary line to divide the peninsula. The north was sponsored by the Soviets and communism, the south by the US and capitalism. To this day, they both claim themselves to be the only true Korea.

In the eyes of the colonizers, Asia remains a vast resource, and Asians remain either an obstacle or another resource. What lies ahead of us is dim, and we have been back against the wall.

Yet the struggle for Asia remains as either capitalist or communist. The underlying nationalism serves to give up the individual into the good of the whole. In this way, individuals will sacrifice their livelihoods to…

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No, Thoreau Was Not a Hypocrite

The Gazine


Henry David Thoreau is down in the polls these days. The anti-social philosopher has always been controversial, and his writings have long been the tinder of heated debates about what it means to be American. Let the debate rage on, I say, but first we need to clear the air. Thoreau was not a hypocrite.

We all know his little secret, of course. I heard it in high school from a smug teacher, and just about everyone who writes a book on the philosopher gets in a jab about it, as if they were leaking the Pentagon Papers.

The worst I’ve seen so far is this post from Cracked.com titled “9 Famous Thinkers Who Were Total Hypocrites,” which lumps Thoreau in with Charles Koch, billionaire libertarian who wants to end Social Security. What’s the philosopher’s unforgivable sin?

While writing about the importance of solitude at Walden Pond, Thoreau would run…

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Historical Reconstructions Part XV

The Lost Treasure Chest

André Houot

There is little to no info about this amazing illustrator online.  A wiki page has a brief synopsis on him, but I was hard pressed to find any of his work for sale.  Many of these pieces I think come from work he did maybe in the early 90’s, so maybe this compilation is just a small glimpse of his work that fits nicely into my historical reconstruction category.

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Savitri Devi: I worship impersonal Nature


I worship impersonal Nature, which is neither “good” or “bad”, and who knows neither love nor hatred. I worship Life; the Sun, Sustainer of life. I believe in the Law of everlasting struggle, which is the law of life, and in the duty of the best specimens of our race — the natural élite of mankind — to rule the earth, and evolve out of themselves a caste of supermen, a people ‘like unto the Gods’.
-Savitri Devi, Pilgrimage

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Varg Vikernes Quote

You should by now be aware of the fact that Christianity is an immigrant religion; it’s a Jewish religion, just like Islam. It’s anti-European, and it was forced upon our forebears. If you haven’t understood this by now, it must be because you choose not to understand it. You don’t want to admit it. Or perhaps you’re just dumb as fuck.[Continue reading through the link.]