Tag Archives: National Socialism

National Socialism – For our aid

You have been messy. You think you’ve lost the grip. But there’s an idea that has made it clear to you, you just have to find it. Here it is; National Socialism.

Introduced in bits and pieces in Faith and Action

You have heard of this, you may still feel quite unsure to fully insert yourself into it, whether you are American Nationalist or anything else. In my last White Man’s Troubles I talked of our sense of direction, in there I mentioned National Socialism. I mentioned how this one in particular is well higher above all. As Savitri Devi has said it “[…] In spite of all, National Socialism, the modern expression of cosmic truth, would endure and conquer. […]”

National Socialism has been around us for years, even before Hitler. He let us embrace it to almost its fullest. Almost? Future is still ahead of us.

To fully understand National Socialism you must read Adolf’s Mein Kampf, Second Book, and Table Talks.

Savitri Devi’s Lightning and The Sun.

Rockwell’s This Time The World.

William Pierce’s Who We Are.

And other bits and pieces are always welcome, even reading your opponent’s literature.

Today I’ll pass on a text from Renegadetribute, though take it with as a thought, there’s always more to National Socialism.

National Socialism – The Fundamentals (Part 1)

“National Socialism – The Fundamentals” are series of blog posts that breakdown the core fundamental teachings of National Socialism.  These posts will be dropped weekly for a period of approximately 13 weeks.  These “fundamentals” come, for the most part, directly from Hitler’s book, “Mein Kampf”, which was written in 1925, and other sources. Mein Kampf was Hitler’s autobiography.

The ongoing & constant vilification & demonization of Adolf Hitler in the Jewish-controlled media is utilized to prevent & discourage the disclosure of Hitler’s (German) Economic & Social miracle, which, during his reign, kicked out the parasitic influence of International Jewry.  The paradigm, which Hitler’s NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker’s Party) ushered in, was so ahead of their time that it boggles the mind.

The NSDAP, if not stopped, could have eventually brought in free-energy technologies and encouraged many nations of the world to eliminate the practice of usury, avoid the global central banking system and rid their countries from the reins of Jewish Supremacy.

The potential of National Socialism was demonstrated on the ground, and not just in theory.  No matter if mistakes were made, no matter if Germany’s National Socialist government experienced some internal and external issues, the economic and social power of National Socialism cannot be denied.  Long live National Socialism!

National Socialism is not (Jewish) Internationalism… National Socialism, being that it is in harmony with Natural Law, can apply to any homogeneous racial group (nation), acting in its own racial self-interest.  However, nations within the White race, who built Western Civilization, are no doubt the best suited for National Socialism, as evidenced by their monumental historical, social and cultural achievements, despite many setbacks and life-threatening challenges to the race as a whole.

Note: Most people who have ever attempted to read “Mein Kampf”, post WW2, come into the endeavor with preconceived notions, Jewish propaganda, that Hitler was the embodiment of “evil”; thus, their bias prevents them from objectively digesting the fundamentals of what National Socialism is all about. 

Hitler’s teachings, which are rooted in a deep & thorough understanding of European history and the laws of Nature, go right over most people’s heads.  Many people also incorrectly associate “National Socialism” as being akin to failed “socialist” nation-states, like Cuba, Venezuela, U.S.S.R., etc.  Americans are taught that individualism and minuscule to barely-existent government (Libertarianism, rugged-individualism, etc.) is necessary & optimal for a free society.  They do not understand that this is actually a “divide & conquer” strategy pushed by International Jewry to separate individuals from their folk interests. 

National Socialism protects the interests of the collective (folk) while ensuring that individual talents and personalities are maximized, to the great benefit of the whole society.


National Socialism offers constructive plans for building & construction that are in harmony with the Laws of Nature.  These plans are not just fantastical theories on paper, but were plans successfully tried and tested by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP).  In fact, they worked so well that International Jewry had to stamp them out or face complete exposure & destruction.

Hitler and the NSDAP had laid out all the plans for us, via National Socialism.  This time around, “we” will learn from their historical successes and mistakes to take down Jewish Supremacy, liberating the planet from their wicked usury system of exploitation.

This plan, which is the opposite of (Jewish) “internationalism”, can be utilized by any race & homogeneous society that seeks self-determination via National Socialism.

Hitler’s National Socialist Germany was constructed around the “fundamentals” of National Socialism.  National Socialist governments of the future do not have to dogmatically follow the exact footsteps of the Third Reich.  The “fundamentals” of National Socialism should suffice; conditions on the ground will establish the particulars.


Hitler inspired, organized, and pulled off a relatively peaceful “revolution” – a revolution which took far fewer lives than the American Revolution, and an insignificant number of lives compared to any revolution ever pulled off by the Jewish Bolsheviks.

Hitler’s revolution, as he promised in Mein Kampf, was 100% legal and legitimate.  It was the formally expressed “will of the majority” of the German people, sanctioned by both the top executive officer of Germany, von Hindenburg, and by the German “congress”, the Reichstag.

A movement which has great ends to achieve must carefully guard against the danger of losing contact with the masses of the people.  Every problem encountered must be examined from this viewpoint first of all and the decision to be made must always be in harmony with this principle. -Hitler

No great idea, no matter how sublime and exalted it may appear, can be realized in practice without the effective power which resides in the popular masses. -Hitler

Hitler had many opportunities to seize power by force, and could have done it easily in 1931.  But Hitler believed that a revolution against the will of the people, a revolution that gains power only by force, cannot long endure.  He believed that a leader is an enemy of civilization unless he has the will of his people behind him.  Hitler won the hearts & minds of the German folk.  That’s the way to do it!


The aim of National Socialism is to restore a just social order that is based on a firm authority that comes straight from the will of the people, and is freely granted to a leader, one who has undoubtedly proven himself to be the leader.  This is a just social order, in which each man and woman can achieve their maximum potential as a successful, happy, and productive individuals within the collective; ones who serves the collective, so that the individual, the collective, the state and the leader operate as a whole – truly holistic in nature. 

No class struggle, no Left-Right political paradigm, no divide & conquer… One heart, One Mind, One (homogeneous) People.

Healthy societies exist where natural instincts are unimpaired.  Animals, for instance, have orderly, successful “societies” because Nature gives every social creature all the instincts they needs for successful group living.  Wolves, ants, bees and apes, for instance, have highly organized and thoroughly healthy, orderly and balanced societies.

Early men had healthy societies.  Then man’s growing control over Nature allowed him to escape his natural environment, and surround himself with artificialities and luxury until he became decadent, and full of arrogant conceit.  International Jewry as a parasite, fed off of this host environment, along the way, and eventually morally corrupted its path.

Only by returning to our natural instincts and to the “Original Instructions” of the Natural world, can we catch a glimpse of the wonders that has been given to us, and realize the wonders that we have thrown away.

Nature has created “breeds” with which she can experiment, and she always seeks better breeds, just as does a good farmer.  Nature, being an infinitely-wiser farmer than any human being, absolutely insists on the purity, sanctity and biological integrity of each breed.

Nature, like a farmer breeding cows, can improve the breed only by fostering the breeding of the better-type, and eliminating the poorer-type.  Nature accomplishes this task with the most powerful instincts we are all given; love of our own, and distrust of those who intrude from the “outside” as foreigners.

Love, the natural, healthy kind, is indeed what makes the world go round, and is the most beautiful, holy miracle we ever see here on this earth.  Distrust is a natural instinct to protect those we love.  Healthy distrust is not “hate”.

Laws of the Tribe…

Biological integrity is the essence of National Socialism, and of every healthy human society which has ever existed. 

  1. The first tribal law of all group-living by social creatures is the Law of Biological Integrity; absolute, total and uncompromising loyalty and love for one’s own racial group.

National Socialism is based on the law of territory.  This translates as “Nationalism” and private property in human society.

  1. The second most important tribal law is the Law of Territory, national protection for the motherland and the defense of private property. Blood & Soil!  

Throughout the animal kingdom, the leader is never chosen by vote, but always by the natural selection established by Nature as the only sure method of insuring that the group is led by the best-combat.  Leadership by the very best!

  1. The third tribal law is the Law of Leadership.

Once each member of an animal society learns his or her place in the natural biological order of toughness, wisdom and cleverness, each member settles down into his own niche and the group is relatively peaceful and orderly.  Only when young males begin to mature and have to fight their way up or down the ladder are there serious battles.  Then, as soon as each male learns who he can whip, and who can whip him, he settles down and lives peacefully & contentedly in that place he has found for himself.

  1. The fourth tribal law is the Law of Status.

Natural hierarchy, or scale of leadership, based on each individual member’s personal ability (meritocracy)and of service to the group’s collective interest, determines each member’s “status” within the group.

  1. The fifth tribal law is the Law of Motherhood.

In National Socialism, motherhood is held in the highest esteem.

Note: The sacred role of motherhood should always be celebrated & supported, and never denigrated as it is in our world today.  In National Socialist Germany, the role of motherhood was highly promoted, yet women were still very much encouraged to be part of the workforce and hold important positions.  Leni Riefenstahl & Hanna Reitsch were allowed to advance to the highest levels of their chosen professions.


With these natural principles, Laws of the Tribe, in operation, as they are throughout the whole world of social animals, there is a relative peace and order in the group.  It is only when the group somehow is forced into unnatural conditions, like the influence of International Jewry, that the God-given instincts to obey these iron laws of Nature fail.

No human being can live in peace & productive happiness outside of some kind of “tribe” to which they are supremely loyal and which in turn, supports them spiritually.  National Socialism stands on that principle.  National Socialism is tribal loyalty!


The essence of National Socialism is race-realism, which is the belief that humans differ in excellence of breed exactly the same as all other living things.  National Socialism respects Biological Integrity!

Contrary to the abominable lies of International Jewry, private property was powerfully protected by Adolf Hitler.  The Krupp family, a prominent 400-year-old German dynasty known for their production of steel, artillery, ammunition, and other armaments, as well as and the other large or small property owners & businessmen never lost a cent under Hitler, nor did the German princes.

Hitler even had to put down a mutiny in his own ranks to protect their property rights, which he did.  Hitler was a nationalist and a believer in private property (territory).  National Socialism respects Territory!

Hitler as a political figurehead gave his people leadership, not sweet-talk or demagoguery, and they loved him for it.  The German folk followed him lovingly and willingly, as do the members of all happy, successful, wholesome social groups.  National Socialism respects Leadership!

For me, and all true National Socialists, there is but one doctrine; People & Fatherland! -Hitler

There was peace and order among Hitler’s people, because he taught that a man deserved, and must get, as much respect for being a good ditch-digger as the man who was able to invent a new & wonderful machine, or be a political leader.  All that was expected of each man was his ability to serve his community to the limit of his personal talent & capacity.  Each man was honored for what he did loyally and with his best effort, regardless of whether he was a farmer, a warrior, a laborer, a factory worker, or whatever.  National Socialism respects Status!

Hitler saw to it that women were restored to their ancient birthright and honored as wives, mothers and producers of happy, wholesome homes.  Women were also allowed into the workforce, if they really felt compelled to do so.

National Socialism – The Fundamentals (Part 2)

 November 25, 2019noble 2 Comments

Note- “National Socialism – The Fundamentals” is a series of blog posts that breakdown the core fundamental teachings of National Socialism.  These “fundamentals” come, for the most part, directly from Hitler’s book, “Mein Kampf”, which was written in 1925, and other sources.  Mein Kampf was Hitler’s autobiography. 


The real truth is that, not only has man failed to overcome Nature in any sphere whatsoever, but that at best he has merely succeeded in getting hold of and lifting a tiny corner of the enormous veil, which she has spread over her eternal mysteries & secret. He never creates anything! All he can do is to discover something. He does not master Nature but has only come to be the master of those living beings who have not gained the knowledge he has arrived at by penetrating into some of Nature’s laws and mysteries.” –Hitler

National Socialism is nothing more or less than Natural Order, a name which would, in some ways, be more descriptive of the reality than “National Socialism”.  Hitler had to design the name of his movement to succeed in a specific political situation, and was therefore forced to use names & terms that would best accomplish his purposes.

In Germany, at the start of the movement, in 1920, there were millions and millions of Germans who thought of themselves as “socialists”, concerned for the “collective”, but were in the manipulating clutches of International Jewry.  Rather than fight any more battles than he had to, Hitler said, in effect, to these millions, “If you must be ‘socialists’, let us not be Jewish ‘socialists’ (Marxists); let us be ‘National Socialists’, meaning a national society.  Let us be ‘socialists’ for Germany, not the Jews.”

It worked!  Millions and millions of good men & women who had been seduced into Communism by the Jews were won back to their own people and the Natural Order of healthy group living by Hitler’s methods.  National Socialism respects the Natural Order!

Any government that does not respect the Natural Order will ultimately fail.  National Socialism is the solution; the most natural path forward!

National Socialism teaches us that we are not separate from Mother Nature, but a part of it, forming a symbiotic life cycle with our natural world.  We can observe and learn from Mother Nature, for her lessons are invaluable to us.

Our survival is also dependent on the preservation of the balance and well being of our natural world.  Capitalism aims at profit and represents selfish individual advancement for the goal of material accumulation and power at the expense of the well being of our people and that of our natural world.  In essence, the whole world suffers from the enslavement of Capitalism and International Jewry.

The result of this enslavement has been the destruction of Mother Nature and the slow gradual extinction of many animal species essential to the balance and well being of our natural world.  We therefore must work to preserve Nature and the animal kingdom, not only to the benefit of our own survival, but because it is the right thing to do.

Animals must have rights and they must be protected.  After all, the gods & goddesses, the Divine, gifted us with the world we live in, and that includes the animal kingdom.  It is our obligation & divine duty to respect our natural world and to cherish it as we would cherish ourselves.  If we fail to do so, we risk our own extinction.

Thus, under National Socialism, Mother Nature is protected and the balance is kept alive.  In essence, National Socialism is not only a political, economical, social and racial platform, it is a philosophical, esoteric and therein a spiritual ideology, which unites us as a race in a most harmonious way and brings us into balance with ourselves, our natural world and the Divine.

In Natural Law there is but one right, and one right only; the right to attempt to survive. All of the others commonly referred “basic human rights” are in fact privileges, fought for in blood, which are lost when the spirit to keep them is gone. 


What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence & reproduction of our race and our people, the subsistence of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom & independence of the Fatherland; so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted to it by the creator of the universe… All ideas and ideals, all teaching and all knowledge, must serve these ends. It is from this standpoint that everything must be examined and turned to practical uses or else discarded. Thus, a theory can never become a mere dead dogma since everything will have to serve the practical ends of everyday life.” -Hitler

The great protagonists are those who fight for their ideas & ideals despite the fact that they receive no recognition at the hands of their contemporaries. They are the men whose memories will be enshrined in the hearts of the future generations. It seems then as if each individual felt it his duty to make retroactive atonement for the wrong which great men have suffered at the hands of their contemporaries. Their lives and their work are then studied with touching and grateful admiration. Especially in dark days of distress, such men have the power of healing broken hearts and elevating the despairing spirit of a people. To this group belong not only the genuinely great statesmen but all the great reformers as well.  Beside Frederick the Great we have such men as Martin Luther and Richard Wagner.” -Hitler

Beyond the fundamental elements of natural order, National Socialism embodies something far higher and nobler than any mere set of rules or principles.  National Socialism, as a Philosophy, embodies the eternal urge found in all living things, indeed in all creation, toward a higher level of existence, toward perfection, toward the source of all Creation.

This “aristocratic” idea of National Socialism, the idea of a constant striving in all Nature toward higher and higher, more and more complex, and more and more perfect existence, is the metaphysical, supernatural aspect of our ideal.

Concepts of social justice & Natural Order are the organs and nerves of National Socialism, but its personality, its “religious” aspect, the thing that lifts it above any strictly Political philosophy, is its worshipful attitude toward Nature, here (materially) on Earth, and a spiritual love of the great gifts of an unknown Creator, the Divine, a Great Mystery.

The leaders among our National Socialist elite must share this fundamentally spiritual approach.  For them the true meaning of the National Socialism racial doctrine must be part of their idealistic striving towards the Creator.

Through total identification of ourselves with our great race, our race partakes of its past and future glories.  When we contribute in any way, especially by self-sacrifice toward helping our collective race along the path toward a higher existence, we reach toward the Creator who created our race in the first place.  National Socialism is a Philosophy of racial pride!

For the few idealists ready & willing to sacrifice their very lives in the cause of their people, National Socialism must be a very real spiritual ideal.  National Socialism is the only movement that has gained sufficient self-knowledge & insight to be able to understand this movement and its connection to the eternal wisdom of Nature.

Our all-out belief in race, and insistence on the Natural Laws in society, economics and every other field of human activity are, in every case, the conscious, scientific application of Nature’s iron laws.

National Socialism is the distilled essence of the love & respect for Nature, and the loving, conscious, and scientific application of the eternal, just and beautiful laws of Nature to every moment of Man’s existence.  At the same time, National Socialism recognizes Man’s need for a higher culture than that of the unthinking animals of the jungle and there raises the application of Natural law from the naked, tooth-and-fang competition of the animal world, for instance, to regulated and orderly competition, under fair rules.

National Socialism insists that man can refine and enrich the application of the Natural Laws of life for the benefit of man, but insists also that Man cannot escape or defy Natural Law.

Unlike all these other philosophies, National Socialism has never been invented, it has been derived from the eternal Laws of Nature, which have existed as long as the universe and which have governed all life since the first primitive organism came into existence.

National Socialism was not invented by Adolf Hitler, but is the conscious expression of the fundamental Laws of Nature governing our lives.  It is based on an infinite love of the Creation in all its diversity; a deep and unconditional respect for the wisdom of Nature, and an ardent will to preserve life as it has grown out of this wisdom.

National Socialism organizes society in accordance with these fundamental Laws.  National Socialism is really nothing but the application of physical and biological laws to the political, economic, social, and religious areas of human life in the same way as they are today applied to technology.

In this light, National Socialism is truly scientific, unlike any other world view.  It does not wish to make reality fit any preconceived theories, but to make the theories fit reality.  New epoch making scientific landmarks would thus immediately be reflected in the practical life of a National Socialist community, as it did with Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s.

Ideas and philosophical systems, as well as movements grounded on a definite spiritual foundation, whether true or not, can never be broken by the use of force after a certain stage, except on one condition: namely, that this use of force is in the service of a new idea or philosophy, which burns with a new flame.  Despite the downfall of Hitler’s NSDAP government, the Philosophy of National Socialism has not been broken and is growing.  International Jewry offers no redeeming spiritual philosophy to counter it.

The immoral persecution that the National Socialist movement has faced by the spiritually-bankrupted hands of International Jewry, has indeed raised opposition.  These elements are thus inspired to champion the ideas and philosophy that have been unjustly persecuted.  With many individuals, this action arises from the sheer spirit of opposition to every attempt at suppressing spiritual things by brute force.  In this way the number of convinced adherents of the persecuted doctrine increases as the persecution progresses.

Note: Be sure to check out the free 1,100 page E-book, “The Battle to preserve Western Civilization (European Folk Soul vs. Jewish Supremacy), presented by The Noble Protagonist.  http://www.battleforthewest.com/

All passed from Renegadetribute.

Not Empty Phrases, but Rather Clarity

by Walter Tießler

What are you fighting for, German people?

You, German man,
you, German woman?

Pamphlet Cover

What are you fighting for, German soldiers?

For a worldview?
For National Socialism?

Each solder in the “Soviet Paradise” has come to know Bolshevism. Each one saw what a false worldview led to: Poverty and misery!

Is it worth it to fight for a worldview?

Is it all just empty words? Or does a people need a unified, firm worldview?

Each who works for his people, who fights and risks his life for it, deserves an answer.

Let no one say: “We have more important things to do today!”


Today, everyone wants to, and must, know what is at stake.

The unvarnished truth is called for:

Not empty phrases, but rather clarity!

Eternal Germany

The common life of peoples and humans beings is always made harder because simple concepts are replaced by intellectual constructs. We have the most unpleasant memories of this in Germany during the period before 30 January 1933. The German people learned a huge number of concepts that in the end turned out to be only empty phrases. The result was that men fought one another when they really had no reason to be opponents.

It is the same in relations between peoples.

An example. Think of everything that the concept “democracy” can mean!

If one translates the term “democracy” literally, it means the “rule of the people.” That is nowhere in the world so realized as it is in Germany. We do not, therefore, need to reject the term “democracy” in its literal translation. But through connections to other terms and distortions, the concept of “democracy” has become a phrase used by those circles that have always rejected and opposed popular rule.

It is much easier to distort terms by connecting them to other terms, since working people generally do not have the time to untangle all these constructions. Clever criminals have always used the resulting misunderstandings to incite people against each other, whether in partisan battles, or in struggles between the peoples, or war.

To set the German people against each other has been impossible since 1933 because it has been led by a unified worldview. The German people has increasingly come together under National Socialism, and all attempts by our opponent to disrupt this unity must always fail.

At the beginning of the war, there were brief discussions about whether the issue of worldview should be toned down, given important new tasks, or even entirely set aside. The answer is that a worldview is always present, for the term means nothing other than

a view of the world.

Any action I take depends on the standpoint I have, on how I see things. His view of the world is self-evident to each person, whether he is conscious of it or not. We cannot, therefore, decide whether or not a worldview is necessary, for it is always there. The question that people themselves can answer is this: “Do we want a conscious worldview, which means to be led by a worldview?”

Since 30 January 1933, we in Germany have been led by a clear worldview that organizes the German people from the standpoint of National Socialism. To him who says that this is unnecessary during the war, we reply:

A people never has greater need of a worldview than during war!

In any war, the passions of people are whipped up more than at any other time. Outwardly established customs and practices can easily be disregarded during the war! Such whipping up of the passions can firm up and anchor the good in a people. However, it can also lead to the destruction of the good and the victory of the lowest instincts.

We experienced just this during the World War. In November 1918, it became clear that that the German people lacked a guiding worldview, with the result that it accepted entirely false views and was left with no spiritual foundation.

But from the experience of that same World War, the Führer led the best forces of the German people to victory fifteen years later. Each who experienced the period of struggle knows how hard it was to rescue the German people from the edge of the abyss into which it would have plunged because of the lack of a guiding worldview.

We have learned from these experiences, and drawn the conclusion at the beginning of the war that a guiding worldview is one of the most important factors in this great and fateful battle of the German people.

The Führer charged the NSDAP with the task of human leadership as a way of showing its great importance. In his appeal to the party on 1 September 1939, he said:

“We all swear that the German Reich and people will begin and end this war with unbreakable unity. That is the greatest task for the National Socialist movement.”

Worldview leadership must aim to make the principles of the worldview so simple and clear that they never become empty phrases. Only in that way is it possible — over the long term — to prevent a worldview from becoming corrupted.

Even before the takeover of power, the National Socialist German Workers Party was able to defend itself against persecution and oppression by clearly proclaiming its worldview. All the ideas that had formerly guided Germany were more and more driven back. Even before 30 January 1933, National Socialism was the worldview that most Germans affirmed.

This fact made the worldview battle that we National Socialists fought much easier, since National Socialism is basically nothing other than simple German thinking. The foundations of National Socialism built were not built by force, but rather are nothing other than the recognition of the natural order created by the Almighty.

The German has always believed in god, regardless of the way in which he thought he had to seek his god. In the end, he understood him as the Almighty and the good. If we affirm god, it determines the view we take of all things in the world.

Only he who recognizes nature’s laws can properly see his task. In it, we always experience the Almighty in fresh ways. The races or blood communities are a party of the world’s natural order. Providence has placed the individual within his blood community. He cannot choose before birth his blood community, but rather that is foreordained. It is the single community from which no one can separate himself. Whether he wishes to or not, he belongs to it as long as he lives. Even if he assumes citizenship in another state, he cannot divorce himself from his blood community. The blood community is therefore the only god-ordained community in this world.

The greatest task of each German, therefore, is to serve this community at all times and in every way, giving his life for its greatness and its eternal life!

All other tasks are secondary to this one. If all Germans are conscious of this fundamental principle and guide all of their actions by it, it will never again be possible to misuse the German people in ways that has repeatedly happened in the past. The German people has nothing else to do but to live for its own interests! All the questions that the German faces may be answered only from the standpoint of Germany’s interests. In doing so, he serves not only Germany, but also the other peoples. At times when the German people forgot this fundamental task, it not only collapsed itself, but also disturbed the general order of the world. This is most clear during the period 1918-1933. When the German people was reborn, symbolized by the march through the Brandenburg Gate on 30 January 1933, the foundations for a new order in Europe, indeed in the entire world, were also created. The task of the German, which towers above all other tasks in this world, is also the first principle of National Socialism: “Eternal Germany.”


The other basic concepts of National Socialism flow from the fundamental task of seeing everything from the perspective of the eternal life of our people. The first concept to consider is that of honor. A life without honor is a pseudo-life. This is no empty phrase, but rather a fact. We see this in the everyday life of the individual. A person can seem to live, but is nonetheless lost, when he has lost his honor. A person without honor has lost not only the respect of his community, but also his rights within that community.

This law is just as hard in the lives of peoples. Germany experienced this in the years 1919 to 1933. Germany’s leaders did nothing to defend German honor, with the result that Germany was held in contempt by the whole world, which resulted in the loss of its rights. Those in Germany who went along did not think about it. The German people was plundered, and not even a single other people protested. Its sovereignty was taken from it. That was the result of the loss of its honor, resulting from the acceptance of the shameful Treaty of Versailles.

The Führer’s first step was aimed at Germany’s dishonoring. He created the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. It appeared for the first time with its program in February 1920.

Eliminating the shameful Treaty of Versailles was one of the most important goals of the party during the period of struggle. After 30 January 1933, it became part of Germany’s foreign policy.

The Führer also created the foundation for healthy thinking about questions of honor domestically. He eliminated the practice of giving special honor to individual professions and classes, and also the devaluing of the German worker. Today, all citizens are equal, regardless of which class they belong to. — The community defends the honor of each citizen. He who injures someone’s honor is punished.

But each individual defends Germany’s honor. Thus Germany today enjoys the respect the Führer fought for it to have.

The program of the NSDAP sprang from the will that Germany should not live only by appearance. Thus the first goal of the NSDAP’s battle was to reestablish the fundamental concept of the National Socialist worldview, “honor,” which is of equal significance both for the life of the individual and the life of the people.


Only he who is ready to fight for honor has it! Germany was treated in 1919 as a people without honor, because traitors and dreamers persuaded the Germans people that one can live in this world without fighting.

Not only did the German people destroy its weapons, and renounce them for the future, it also disarmed totally internally. He who affirmed a military spirit in Germany was hated, rejected, and destroyed.

It is no accident that it was the Jew who called courage stupid. He sought his success not in battle, but through fraud and swindling.

And in the war that began against Germany in 1939, the Jew sent other peoples into the battle. —

The German soldier is the best soldier in the world.

The Jew wanted to eliminate this danger to his domination of the world by persuading the German people that eternal peace was possible if it would destroy its weapons and not fight.

The Führer showed the German people that struggle rules in this world. Either one joins the battle to win, or one seeks to avoid it, and is destroyed. There is but one choice for people that wants to live an honorable and worthy life, and that is to fight.

The party reawakened this will to fight in the German people. Once it was spiritually rearmed, the Führer proclaimed its technical rearmament. That is how our incomparable German Wehrmacht came to be. It protects Germany from all external enemies. The NSDAP, meanwhile, ensures that the military spirit remains alive in the German people for all time. There will never again be a time when the German people forgets that only he can survive in this world who affirms a fundamental concept of the National Socialist worldview: “Courage.”

The German Racial Character (Volkstum)

The party thereby also fulfills its task to strengthen the German racial character. Courage is a characteristic of people of German blood.

In the past, one understood the concept of Germany as the territory that belonged to the German Reich. It was the Führer who taught the German people that Germany is the community of those with German blood. State borders are not created by nature as are races and peoples, but rather are the work of men. With this knowledge, we realize that the German people extends far beyond Germany’s state borders.

From the knowledge of the German idea of blood, German people in Austria affirmed the Greater German Reich in April 1938. They followed the great example of the Führer, who although born in the Ostmark began the struggle for Germany’s greatness in Munich and led it to its conclusion in Berlin, the capital of the Greater German Reich.

The idea of blood is not some sort of National Socialist fantasy, but provable reality, as can be demonstrated using other examples. We think here only of the Führer’s plan to include Germans living in Europe within the German Reich, insofar far as that is possible. His appeal to all who are of German blood had an effect that surprised not only the world, but even a large part of the German people itself. All of these Germans left a piece of earth that, according to normal human understanding, had been their home for centuries. However, the call of blood was stronger and more powerful than their home. They left not only their home, but all that they possessed in order to follow the call of blood.

Once we understand blood as a substance that, as the old proverb has it, is of a special nature, and once we have experienced its enormous influence in this appeal to the blood, we will be able to understand what it means if this blood is not kept pure. A person who sins against the natural laws of race and blood given by the Almighty commits the great crime that one can commit in this world. Keeping blood pure is so obvious that it really does not need to be discussed. It is the highest task that a German has to fulfill. Keeping the blood pure means the preservation of the German people’s character. It found its highest expression in the unique cultural achievements that the German gave not only to his own people, but also to all of humanity.

It is common blood that held German people together over the past centuries, despite their outward separation.

A knowledge that all people of German blood belong together will forever frustrate the hopes of our opponent that Germany will once again fall into particularism, with each person holding to the borders of his country or his Gau. However much our tribe and the state in which we lives may mean to us, however highly we value the tradition of Prussia, of Austria, Bavaria, Schwabia, Baden, Saxony — whatever they may be called —

In the future there is but one idea: Germany and German!

All of the characteristics of the individual German tribes, their songs and customs that express their nature, together form the concept that we have first come to understand in complete clarity through our racial thinking, and which has become a fundamental concept of the National Socialist worldview: “The German racial character.”


When German blood and the German nature triumphed, another view naturally had to fall, one that the Jews and their allies had suggested for decades, namely that labor was the curse of God in this world. The German never saw labor as a regrettable burden, but rather always as a blessing. To eat the bread of the sweat of his brow was to him no punishment, but rather something self-evident. He had contempt for the lazy and indolent man who believed that he could live at the cost of others. It was therefore relatively easy to restore the German viewpoint in this regard. It was made even easier by the experiences of the German people before the takeover of power. It saw how nothing was fought more bitterly than the concept of labor. It was not only degraded to being a commodity, but was seen as an evil that had to be eliminated. The ideal condition was to work as little as possible, or not at all. This was achieved by the failings of the government at the time: Unemployment came to Germany. The army of the unemployed grew from day to day, millions and millions of them.

The individual who was unemployed felt how meaningless life without work is. The whole German people, however, saw that beyond the misery of the individual, a man without work loses his foundations and becomes over time a danger to the community. For these reasons, the Führer’s first task was to eliminate unemployment and once again give the German purpose and meaning for life through his labor.

The Führer was not satisfied when he achieved this goal. He wanted to free labor from the chains resulting from a shortage of raw materials. For years the Führer attempted to negotiate with England and other countries to purchase the raw materials they possessed in abundance at a reasonable price. This attempt was in vain. The hostile attitude of international high finance in London, New York, and the other power centers of the Jewish bankers, rose at times to boycotts.

After such rejection, the Führer introduced the necessary measures in the Four Year Plan to guarantee the freedom of German labor. Although this was entirely a matter of domestic German policy, plutocrats throughout the world protested. The Führer ignored them, and went his way to win the freedom of our labor.

Plutocracy has the revolution of labor not only in this area, but it was distressed to see that the Führer wanted to overturn the social order they thought self-evident.

Until the takeover of power, the manual laborer was seen as a second class citizen in Germany as well as in the rest of the world.

In National Socialist Germany, the manual laborer has become a fully equal people’s comrade.

The concept “worker,” which was earlier a sign of inferiority, is today the most honorable title of the German people! As an eternal, living monument, the Führer created the Reich Labor Service, which constantly reminds the German that honest labor is never a disgrace, but rather is always an honor. On 1 May, the whole German people comes together to honor a fundamental concept of the National Socialist world view: “Labor.”

The Principle of Achievement

Labor is a part of a person’s accomplishment. The individual’s achievements lead to his rights. The leadership principle can only be understood on this basis. Leadership in Germany is determined not by one’s birth, but instead each has to prove what he can do and if he is capable of leadership.

A leadership principle that was not based on achievement would lose all moral justification.

Occupational competitions are a visible expression of this view. Each individual has constantly to prove himself through his achievements. Everyone in Germany has the opportunity to achieve. — The right to work is no empty phrase, but rather a reality.

The education of the youth is determined not by parents’ money, but rather by achievement. The Adolf Hitler Schools are open to all who have the necessary gifts. Admission is independent of external factors such as wealth and family name, depending only on ability and character. Each is able to reach the highest levels of leadership within the party, dependent only on his achievements.

If despite these principles someone reaches a position for which he does not possess the ability, he will not stay in the position.

Achievement has become the implacable judge of the rights of our people.

By achievement we mean the totality of a person’s service to the community of his people. Any honest and decent work achieves something that is respected and valued. No work is thought to be inferior, something for which we are “too good.” The simplest job, done honorably and well, is a more valuable achievement than a “fine” job done without a sense of responsibility.

The National Socialist worldview differs most clearly from that of the plutocrats with regards to labor and achievement. For them, labor is not a part of a moral life, but merely a means to the end of earning money. A worker to them is not a comrade, but an object of exploitation. a factor in calculations. The right to lead comes not from achievement, but only from the title and riches that he inherited from his father. His “achievements” consist in using ruthless power against others, without regard to the community of his people, or even the rights of other peoples who attempt to advance through honest achievements. If the German people becomes a leading people in the future, responsible for the order and peace of Europe, we know that this right can be maintained only by constant new achievements. National Socialist thinking about leadership can only be understood, then, when we understand it in terms of a fundamental principle of the National Socialist worldview: “The principle of achievement.”

Public Health

Only he who keeps his strength can accomplish anything. For this reason, everyone possible is done to increase the strength of the individual, whether through vacations, “Kraft durch Freude,” sports, or other means. Since one’s strength must be used on behalf of the whole German people, National Socialism cannot recognize the principle: “Your body belongs to you.” The body, the health of the individual, belong to the whole people! It is therefore not a private matter if one ruins his body through drugs or diseases that result from carelessness or an unhealthy lifestyle. Health is not only the most valuable possession of the individual, but also of the whole people.

In preserving health, National Socialism is following fundamentally new ways of thinking. In the past, one understood health care as caring for those who were ill. Enormous means were used. And in certain circles, the ill were the model of humanity, at the center of all action and thought. No one made the effort to find the roots of illness, or to consider: “How could we stop illness at its start, or at least limit it as much as possible?” The means used by National Socialism must, of course, be used to heal and care for the sick, as always has been done. However, the main focus of our health care system is avoiding illness, and maintaining the health of the individual. We include here not only the work of the doctor in the National Socialist state, but also the whole work of the NSV, which the Führer created largely for this purpose. The sterilization of genetically ill people only serves the purpose of protecting the German people from illnesses. Sterilization is not a judgment on those it affects. To the contrary, we appeal above all to their sense of community, to their knowledge that it must be their duty to subordinate their personal interests to those of the community. If they fulfill their duty, the community must ensure that they receive the appropriate respect. Those circles that consider such a requirement as inhumane may be reminded that they considered it not only not to be inhumane, but even pleasing to God, when people tortured themselves and disfigured their bodies. From a practical point of view, they benefited no one, but rather only harmed their bodies, whereas sterilization promotes the health of the people, indeed the health of the whole of humanity

The responsibility that National Socialism takes for the individuals of its people cannot be better understood than through the fact that “public health” is a fundamental principle of the National Socialist worldview.

Blood and Soil

The more naturally a person thinks, the better he will understand National Socialist thinking in the area of public health. But not only this principle, but rather all the fundamental principles of National Socialism are easiest to understand if one understands the natural order. This is obviously harder for someone who lives in a city than it is for one who is rooted to the soil. A person who lives in the country lives in a more natural way than one who lives in the city, without having to think about it. Simplicity and modesty, the most important marks of the German people’s character, are things that one does not have to talk about in the country; here they are self-evident. That is why a people must always work to remain connected to the soil.

Although now and in the future, as a result of general developments, there will be more city-dwellers, one of the most important tasks is to ensure that the German people maintain the land. A task of people’s leadership must be to maintain mutual understanding between city and country. A connection to the soil is the best guarantee for the purity of German nature as an expression of German blood.

When discussing labor we mentioned that no labor is harmful, but rather than each is ennobled by honorable labor. We may not forget the fundamental principle of agricultural labor: Only he who works the land possesses it in the end. This involves all the tasks of agricultural life. This includes the German farmer, the agricultural laborer, craftsmen and teachers, in short all the occupations that are part of the village community. They all contribute not only to maintaining the purity of German life, but also its connection to the soil — the connection between blood and soil. This is the guarantee of something that we recognize particularly during war: the assurance of he food supply. Germany can only be really free and independent if it feeds itself.

Thus agriculture has a dual task that we explain to people’s comrades using a basic term of National Socialism: “Blood and soil.”

The People’s Community

Each profession has its role in country life. No occupation is held in less esteem. This viewpoint results from our National Socialist community thinking.

One of the main failings of the German people throughout history was splintering, even fighting one another. The forces behind the Peace of Westphalia believed that this evil was so great that one only had to break up the German Reich in order to split the German people forever, to play one group against the other. This was a mistake. Although the disunity did the German people harm, there was always a longing on the part of the best Germans for the unity of our people.

The first great visible step in fulfilling this longing was Bismarck’s work — based on the various efforts of individual Germans. Through him, “Germany” became a state concept once again, behind which there was considerable power. Bismarck completed a part of the struggle that the German people with its various tribes had always fought for with growing clarity over the years.

Nonetheless particularism remained a danger for the German Reich and the parties. Seducers and dreamers attempted to exaggerate the interests of the individual German until he forgot the common interest. In one case, one attempted to renew the old battles between the tribes. In another case, one argued that religious differences were more important than the common fate, than one’s duty as a people. For others, class struggle was the center of thought and action.

Germany was, therefore, a unity with regards to the state, but its strength and labor were always dissipated by internal struggles, the best way to destroy itself.

Here, too, the Führer worked to bring the German people away from this crazy spectacle for the world and back to healthy, natural thinking. In place of an emphasis on differences came the knowledge that the people’s community stood over all differences of region, religion, or class. In every major question of life, we are first and last German!

He who stands in the way of the unity of the German people is seen as harmful, and is dealt with and removed! The time when the German people could be set against each other is gone forever.

The community that now binds the German people together is based on the foundation of camaraderie and discipline.

Discipline is the voluntary subordination of the individual to the interests of the community.

The Reich party rallies of the NSDAP always show the German people the variety of tasks that are mastered by the whole. Their annual reports show the great achievements gained through cooperation and voluntary submission to discipline. The Führer charges the National Socialist German Workers’ Party with worldview and political leadership in all areas to ensure the unity of the German people for all time. The people’s leadership comes from every part of the German people. It is the best guarantee that all tasks we face will be dealt with in accordance with a fundamental principle of the National Socialist worldview: “The people’s community.”

Socialism in Action

The tasks that we have to resolve within the framework of the community of the German people are self-evident for each German, because by fate we were born into the community of the German people. However obvious this is, the individual must willingly affirm that he is thankful to fate for having been born into the community of the German people, that he is able to belong to this German people.

We National Socialists have never valued mere words. For us there is but one form of affirmation: deeds!

A deed that goes beyond obvious duty is a sacrifice.

The Führer originated the term “socialism in action.” In do doing, he gave socialism a meaning that has nothing to do with the demands of the individual from the community, but rather means a community of spirit in which the individual makes the sacrifices that are necessary in the interests of the community. We are reminded of this each year on the day on which the Führer’s Winter Relief campaign begins. But the Winter Relief campaign, and its financial contributions, does not exhaust the concept of socialism in action. There are ways to demonstrate socialism in action other than by contributing money.

If the German farmer, ignoring the difficulties and dangers which the weather along can cause him, guarantees the German people’s food by unending labor, we should recall at the harvest festival that this farmer is an example of practical socialism.

Each hour of overtime — as long as the German worker does it in the interests of the German people!—is an example of socialism in action.

The German mother who devotes her entire life to the task of keeping her family in order and raising healthy and diligent children for the German people practices socialism in action. The German woman who volunteers to work in place of her husband proves her practical socialism. She knows that she must take on this task because of the lack of births in the period before 1933. The German people back then failed the natural task given to it by fate. This failing must be balanced out by action.

Political leaders the office holders in the party, party members, and men of the affiliated organizations and clubs who daily do voluntary work for the political and educational education and unity of the German people are socialists in action. The men who do their duty as soldiers also practice socialism, even to the ultimate sacrifice.

The legendary heroism on the Eastern Front shows us the ultimate in “sacrifice,” which can never be equaled by other deeds for the people’s community, and thus make them so obvious for the individual.

The individual puts his labor, his possessions, and even his life in the service of the community. For us National Socialists, this is the highest and only affirmation that a person can do to show his will for the good!

We summarize all this together in a basic concept of National Socialism: “Socialism in action.”


Sacrifice is the highest expression of loyalty.

National Socialism can be fully lived only by he whose loyalty is rooted in his inner being.

Loyalty is the main element of character. He who does not have it lacks character. The Führer, therefore, has always forgiven individual transgressions; only in punishing lack of loyalty is he without pity. Loyalty is always particularly important in our community life. Even within a factory, the factory head and the employee must be loyal to each other. Loyalty is the foundation of the community of the party and of the Wehrmacht. Being loyal is more than camaraderie and more than voluntary obedience through discipline. It is the culmination of both concepts. Loyalty can only be demanded by him who is willing to be loyal to others. “Loyalty for loyalty” is no cheap phrase, but rather reveals the deepest meaning of this concept.

How serious a lack of loyalty can be is shown by examples from the history of the German people. When the leadership or followers were no longer loyal, the whole German people collapsed. In the failure of worldview in November 1918, we experienced the most terrible effects of disloyalty. A part of the followers deserted the leadership because they believed the false views of seducers and dreamers. Even more catastrophic was the disloyalty of the leadership, which left the whole German people in the lurch. They took from the healthy part of the German people the strength and determination that alone could have rescued Germany.

The Führer eliminated the results of those November days of 1918.

In his first steps in those days, he eliminated disloyalty. In November 1923, we saw how the Führer took full responsibility and stood freely before his opponents to protect his followers. We also experienced how those followers, at a time when the whole world considered National Socialism and the Führer to be lost, increased their enthusiasm for the Führer to the level of fanaticism that enabled them to withstand future blows in a way that our opponents were never able to understand.

Thus at the beginning of the struggle of the National Socialist German Workers Party, a fundamental concept was writ large: “Loyalty.”

The Family

Each worldview has eternal value if we experience it not only at great moments and events, but also if it is useful in daily life. Just as we experience the loyalty of the whole people as well as the individual at important moments for the nation, we have also in private life the most varied opportunities to prove our loyalty. The relationship between husband and wife, from which the core of each people, “the family,” springs, has real value and strength only if it is based on loyalty,

We must experience all the great National Socialist concepts within the family. Here each can show whether or not he is serious about his worldview. The essential characteristics of the German racial character, simplicity and modesty, are most visible in family life.

The last and deepest sense of family life is having many children, from which the family is born.

If, therefore, Germans gather together at Christmas to celebrate in the close family circle, the individual German, consciously or unconsciously experiences anew the festival of the German family. Parents express their love for their children in these days and hours, particularly in the preparations. They sense that the meaning of their family life is in their children. And the feelings of the children toward their parents, the older they become, are less thanks for their presents and more thanks for all the work and love of their parents, which they come to esteemFor us National Socialists, the family is not only a private matter, but rather the task eternal Germany gives us to ensure life through our children for all time.

The concept of “family” has a meaning that is often misunderstood: the affirmation of life. If we combine an affirmation of life with the idea of the family, we experience the personification of pure joy. We well never fall victim to the misunderstanding that confuses an affirmation of life with a lack of restraint and debauchery. Only he who knows the limits and holds to them can enjoy the beautiful, can have real joy. We thus experience the affirmation of life most beautifully and clearly within the family, since the birth of each child is an affirmation of life.

History shows us how important it is to connect the affirmation of life with the family. We need think only of Carthage and Rome and all the other examples from antiquity to remember that, but we can also look at the present state of the world to find many more examples.

If, therefore, we want to root National Socialism in practical life and preserve it, we can best do this by always keeping in mind a fundamental concept of National Socialism: “The family.”

The family is the eternal wellspring of the people. From it the people is constantly renewed. It is thus one of the most essential requirements for an eternal Germany.

This completes the

circle of fundamental National Socialist concepts.


eternal Germany

can exist only if the German people preserve its


Only he has honor who is ready to display


even to the ultimate. The battle for Germany can be guided only by deepest conviction by someone who knows that Germany is not a geographical concept, but rather the community of people of German blood who reveal their

German racial character.

One of the fundamentals of this German racial character — in contrast to the views of other peoples — is


seen not as a burden, but rather as a requirement if one is to find inner satisfaction. National Socialism, therefore, has concluded that achievement is the measure of the worth of the individual and the community. The

principle of achievement

has thus become the National Socialist leadership principle. Since labor and achievement have a higher meaning for us Germans who serve the community, so also the health of the individual is not his private concern, but rather is a matter of the community, one of

public health.

The more naturally the German sees things and lives his life, the easier it will be to maintain the health of the German people. For this reason, the connection to nature finds its most beautiful expression in the concept of

blood and soil,

a prerequisite for the eternity of the German people. This does not mean that city and country people have a different value, for both must fulfill their duty to Germany, but rather only a compelling necessity. In National Socialist Germany, each German is of equal value and has equal obligations. Above all the varying tasks stands what we share, the

people’s community.

We are not only ready to fulfill our duty toward it, but also to provide ever new support through our sacrifices.

Socialism in action

brings together all of these various sacrifices. It is not to deal with a particular need, but rather it is a demand of Germans at all times. Sacrifice is the final result of


which binds together leadership and followers so firmly that nothing and no one can separate them. It is not only that which holds together the great community of the German people, but also every community of life. The most important individual community within the people’s community, for all healthy peoples at all times, is the


For us National Socialists it means not only the firm foundation of a state, but also the community from which children are born, which are to us the living expression of

eternal Germany.

We experience National Socialism as a totality. Only in that way can we truly understand it, seeing it not from the standpoint of the part, but of the whole. Everything, whether in politics, the economy, culture, or the private life of the individual must be examined, seen, and fulfilled according to the fundamental concepts of National Socialism.

Why is it necessary for the German people to see the world from a firm foundation?

No people takes challenges, problems, or outlooks as seriously and earnestly as does the German people. It does not matter if the individual is conscious of this or not. History teaches that the German people always plunged from the heights of its development and greatness, because it did not see the world in a united way. It was not clear about the foundations of its worldview. Only because of that was it possible for seducers and dreamers repeatedly to incite the German people against each other through slogans and ideologies.

If the German people sees the questions that it faces from a united view of he world, even the loveliest slogans will no longer be able to lead it astray. But it is not only important to guarantee the unity, and therefore the greatness, of the German people by ensuring that it sees the world from a united perspective, but it is also important that the individual knows the basis from which he faces life’s tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to speak not only of the totality of the National Socialist idea, to speak not only of a “worldview” or of “National Socialism,” but also to show the individual concepts that make up the whole idea.

In putting fundamental National Socialist concepts into practice, it is necessary to mention the fact that the Führer has always said:

National Socialism is not a matter of the moment, but rather an eternal task for the German people!

We must, therefore, realize that on the one hand we are at the beginning of the National Socialist education of the German people. We must evaluate individual instances in which these fundamental principles are not held to from this perspective.

On the other hand, the eternal task means that the German people must always be reminded of National Socialism and its individual principle to train them in National Socialist thinking and behavior. Today we have the Führer as the great model toward whom each individual German people’s comrade can strive and imitate. For eternity, however, the Führer gave the German people a worldview able to guide all of its actions:

National Socialism!

White man’s troubles

What if our ideas collide? Are we competing?
Is it Third Position or Nationalism?
Is it the right time? Are we dividing and wasting time?
Are we eating each other out? Optics?

These are the questions I will and must answer!
Most honest brothers out there are stuck in this and want
something to lead their thoughts, as I do too.
It has been confusing on me lately and I have been growing frustrated, sometimes repeating the same lines in my head to
just get a point across.
But I have to understand, that what I know is a must, just and true. This doesn’t exactly go with this topic, just overall
events I go through.
I just went through a few of Hitler’s quotes one of so called
Nationalist sites listed, and I saw that they were American
and Christian, that’s why I saw a little bit questionable
quotes, too fond of Christianity, too pacifist, too passive,
I reassure myself that I do know Hitler.

Let’s get to the topic itself.

As I mentioned, many have grown frustrated. But frustration may be a leading cause to our survival. Someone takes action, and then another, and another. I’m only suspecting this would happen, In a rational sense I wouldn’t expect it to go like that.

" What if our ideas collide? Are we competing?
Is it Third Position or Nationalism?
Is it the right time? Are we dividing and wasting time?
Are we eating each other out? Optics? "

  1. For me essentially it is this. We are competing of our ideas, Americanism, National Socialism, Nationalism, Fascism, Democracy, Anarchy, Communism, you name it. What would you choose? What would you think would happen if one of these takes the course in to victory? We can see if some ideas haven’t provided with us something we need, this is essentially what we are doing, finding the long life choice for our nation which would be National Socialism, and this we want to show to everybody. Weimar was only a few hundred years ago and now it is again. I must say that it does feel like the choice is again ours to choose. So: Our ideas will collide, for this we discuss in Academic terms.
  2. It came clear on (1.)
  3. A little bit on it on (1.) We believe National Socialism is higher of value than only Nationalism. Somebody would fall for the idea of them being none that different. For portraying National Socialism of a higher value one would also say “Why are you downplaying Nationalism? What is this about?” But as far as it would go, it lacks what National Socialism has discovered, the strong beliefs, racial importance, and all the time spend discovering and putting the world and nature on paper, it is beautiful. Obviously Nationalists are good enough to help with us and we help with them but National Socialism would be our importance. Obviously Race is the structure. So; Third position.
  4. We have been at war after world war 2, actually beyond that, for 3000 years. This is a must do, and you must take action. We must. Don’t be too afraid, control it. We are recruiting the most qualifying men, because only few hundred are needed as history portrays.
  5. We have been wasting time. Maybe as an individual you have not, it is great to read all that and this, but it has and is an urgency. One would say that the Jews are dividing us to make us waste more time, but our discussion of our ideas hasn’t been the time waster, it is our lack of action. We think that if we pray to the fairytale Jew, it’ll go away, we think that making a family will combat everything that’s to come. I don’t think it will. It is amazing to have a family, I encourage that but you should have proved yourself to make your children’s future much better. The years go by! I would be dead by now if this continues as it is. So; We aren’t dividing anybody and it is the less of our problems.
  6. Maybe. We don’t need everybody, but nobody has to go overboard. Again, there are problems that I will discuss later on!
  7. “Optics idea” brings me the idea of it being something of a Christian mentality. Weak and fragile, too much emotion. David Duke has used the tactic of talking back at people, spinning the subject back at them effectively, and this should be done, rather than what the Catholic Campus Conservative Nick Fuentes has done lately.

The problems of our own; Why aren’t we going forward

You may have been on this train for years now, and you have seen a lot. Lately there has been the Groypers vs Charlie Kirk even going on, and you’ve probably though to yourself “It seemed interesting, but it didn’t work out, as usual. Are we actually doing something?” Nick’s own decisions would make a few hundred children think but they indeed will trap on a different level.. What level? Well, Mauricio ‘s How Awake Are You? – list, of course! They may stuck on the levels of 1 and 2 even, as beyond 6 it would require a great strength of change, as with Hitler, so with C. T and many else, and level 3 seems to be out of line for people who really prefer “their Culture” and Americanism. Just like Pierce mentioned, man has become artificial, and so he called this:

Some of its works — its languages, its science, its social structures, its machines and weapons — will fall into the hands of a different, darker race, which will use them for a while. Eventually no trace will remain, not even a memory in the minds of a degraded humanity which will have long since abandoned the upward Quest which was the unique mission of the vanished race.

And the present demographic trends will continue so long as the political, religious, and social concepts and values which presently circumscribe the thinking of the Western peoples and their leaders continue to have a determining role. For at root it is a moral defect which threatens the race’s survival.

If the will to survive existed among the White masses — if the people as a whole in any large, predominantly White country possessed a strong sense of racial identity and a sense of responsibility to the future, and if they were willing to take the necessary measures (which would require that they act contrary to the dictates of the religion to which the majority of them pay lip service) — then the physical threat could be overcome, certainly and quickly.

Non-White immigration could be halted immediately, with relatively little effort. Undoing the effects of earlier non-White immigration and of miscegenation would be a much larger task, involving major economic readjustments and undoubtedly a substantial amount of bloodshed as well, but it would be a task well within the physical capabilities of the White majority

Pierce’s books, texts, everything is on a high list of importance, especially Who We Are and Turner Diaries. I must inform to take a look at everybody you can, which I will make a list in the future, it will be of great interest, but I must inform, you have to stick to what you believe, just remember to be organic.

And just as Pierce mentioned about domesticated men;

Domesticated Man. Man, of course, is the most domesticated of all animals, and it is not surprising that his natural inhibition against miscegenation has become confused—even without the perverse efforts of the egalitarians to promote racial mixing. We should instead wonder at the degree to which this healthiest and most essential of our natural sexual predispositions has survived centuries of a most unnatural lifestyle.

Should we unite?

This question lingers around Nationalist groups, and I think it can help if you group up, but shouldn’t we group up only when we are ready to take the necessary actions. Is the necessary action talking to some random person on a random show? Depends on the person of course. But you have heard of only speaking of something taboo to really blow up somebody’s mind, as it will cause a drastic reaction and a chain-reaction, that would greatly help our cause, so to say. But even more of a necessary action is shedding some blood! It may sound horrible but were you not born to fight for your life? You might be one of the men that lifts and trains defence and fight, you should expect to do something with it. You might have also seen how little people care about text writing. Even the people we regard as great are still in the dark for so many. That’s why we must specialize in this information and mold it into propaganda. Like Goebbels made clear, we must weed out the useless ‘facts’. We only have to make them believe the truth easily, and keep them at it. Not everybody has to be the essence of a leader, they just have to be ready for a sacrifice.

You have talked a lot of about action, right?

It and has always been the only way. Would you think we will the war by outsmarting them, by out”niceing” them? Out”moralying”? No! Only action is left.

You are not making a difference, you don’t take any action.

It indeed is so, I’ve tried to get more into art propaganda and writing. And I think I have stated that I am only a teenager, I do not encourage teenagers fully to join a group or anything. Not saying it isn’t entirely like so, looking at history, teenagers accomplish a lot. This time it does feel different, trust your guts. But why aren’t you doing anything? And so the ring continues, you see. No need to blame it on each other you find yourself discussing with. And it would be much better to see actual blondes, or blue-eyed nordics, germanics[…] take action rather than a mulatto, it seems pathetic that a mudblood would be intellectually better than you, and maybe even action wise, isn’t it? I know it’s hard, just day by day I see so much that keeps people beyond level 6. But self-improvement is the center of your life right now. Remember this too: You do not live only for yourself, we live as one.

As has been noted, Aryan man has suffered for over a thousand years from a spiritual tension caused by the intrusion of alien ideology into his natural thought-world—a process which has distorted the culture of the West from the very beginning, and prevented the fulfillment of a higher mission. Not only was an incredible cosmology foisted upon the reluctant Aryan by the new creed, but he was forced to accept a statement of teleological purpose which amounted to a declaration of war against the natural order and its eternal laws. […]”

” The worldview of the future will differ radically from the Judeo-Christian outlook. It will proceed from a totally different perception of the human condition and its purpose. It will be based, in the first instance, upon a profound respect and reverence for Nature, which it conceives as a timeless order without beginning or end but undergoing constant change and cyclic renewal , and which in its ultimate configuration is consubstantial with the divine, which it treats as subject rather than object. […]”

At the same time, it declares that for the conscious Aryan there can be no separation from the divine; that his god is not in some other world, but resides within the precincts of his own heart; and that a proper religious attitude is one of veneration, rather than one of fear.

Our ancestors worshiped the sun as the bringer of light, life and warmth – the golden disc above them circled the heavens like a wheel and so they recorded its transits as points on the rim of a wheel.

Furthermore, our ancestors saw the passing of the whole year as points on a wheel – this was the solar calendar which could be seen on the horizon. During the Winter Solstice, the Sun appears in the Arctic North for a short time on the southern point; during Midsummer and Midwinter Days in the Northeast and Southeast, and then it sets in the Northwest and Southwest, The connecting likes of these points form an ‘X’: divide the circle into 6 parts (Malkreuz – larked cross), and from there follows the age old sign of the wheel: Then remove the outer circle and we see the Hagal Rune.

From the far North, our ancestors brought with them wherever they went a foundational experience which became essential for their future and for us especially, as we rediscover our heritage and it is as follows:

In the far North, the Summer and Winter fought as rival forces of light and darkness. The bleak winter with its harshness and biting cold seemed to win over the short Summer, and yet Summer arrived year after year despite the might of the Winter. If the arrival of the Summer every year had not been a certainty if would have meant death for the Nordic folk. Depressed, the Nordic folk watched the circle of the Sun become smaller and smaller at the end of the season – the Summer Sun became weak, old, pale. Its path circled shorter as it drew nearer to Jul where there would be only a few hours of daylight and by the time of midwinter, it would gave completely disappeared, sinking into the bitter North Sea as if it had been devoured by a monster. The question that arose of whether the Sun would stay buried was that of whether or not mankind would live or die.

On midwinter day the miracle happened: The Sun rose from its grave, born, like a child, and gathered strength with the passing of each day and appeared in front of the celebrating and joyous folk, who felt that life had been given back to them. This happened year after year and year after year, they celebrated the resurrection of the Sun and as much as possible in the ever increasing circles of the Sun. Fires would burn high on the day of Spring, on which day and night were of equal length, as surely as the Sun must have won the battle by now. Once again on Midsummer Night when the Sun had won its greatest victory and night lasted only a few hours. The strong Summer sunlight made harvest possible, a reason for another feast, after which, the Sun waned fast and headed once again toward death, which in turn became new life.

In the early days of the Germanic people, tales were told of death and resurrection of the Sun in many different tales, and we are fortunate to know more of these early days than some of the periods much later in history. The Sun experience is the subject of nearly all of our Pre-Christian fairy tales, which the brothers Grimm have collected and written down more than a hundred years ago, thus preserving them for all time. The Sun-like princess, killed by the malign wintry force, resurrected by a young hero: that is the essence of all of these stories, which were wonderfully extended and varied.

Man also saw the same laws of die and become new all around him in nature, as the yearly cycle of the sun also determines the rhythm of all living things, animals and plants. Their whole life revolved around youth and ageing, dying and rebirth. Man’s own life followed this rhythm – the Nordic man knew that his life originated from the loins of a man destined to die, and in the knowledge of his own death, he handed down life. That was the essence of his beliefs. What he learned from the Sun he saw also in the forests, and so he considered the trees sacred, imagining the universe supported by an immense tree – the old Ash of the Eddas. In its eternity the law of die and become provides constant renewal, eternal rhythm.

Therefore, the Nordic man had at his celebrations the fires, the Sun Wheel, and the Tree as symbols. In stories, we read about the Tree of Life, which grows on the grave of the mother protecting the young life through its blessings.

  • SS family book.

                                            Die and Become
Everything goes, everything returns again;
Eternally rolls the wheel of being.
Everything dies, everything blossoms again;
Eternally runs the year of being.
Everything breaks, everything is joined anew;
Eternally the same House of Being is built.
Everything parts, everything greets every other thing again;
Eternally the ring of being remains faithful to itself.
In every Now, being begins; round every Here rolls the sphere There.
The center is everywhere. Bent is the path of eternity.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Ending notes

And here it must be noted that the threat to our racial survival begins with spiritual causes; consequently, it can only be overcome by a solution which is spiritual in character. It is not from a lack of political alternatives or intellectual strategies that we suffer, but rather a more fundamental lack of will, courage, determination, dedication, commitment, integrity and overall morale—not to mention a lack of basic understanding and insight and a sense of true common identity. Whatever external dangers pose themselves derive, in the final analysis, from this internal problem.

Therefore, the question of racial survival must be seen as involving not only political and propagandistic activity, but must in the first place encompass a moral and spiritual mobilization. Without such a moral muster, all other efforts—however noble and valiant—must necessarily prove futile. The effects of decades and centuries of cultural decadence are simply too advanced and widespread to be overcome through political appeal alone.

The proper function of politics, of course, is to take people—in the mass—as they are and utilize them for a larger purpose. The spiritual condition of the Western masses is such, however, as to preclude any useful potential for revolutionary political activity at this time. Consequently, the first task of the contemporary Movement must be to establish a firm spiritual/moral base—a standard of absolute moral fixity—capable of attracting those alienated young idealists of our race who are searching for answers in a confused and despairing world, one which will influence their lives and transform them into dedicated partisans of the holiest of causes.

In the contemporary world, an idea or conception may be viewed as either reactionary—and therefore transitory—or as revolutionary and enduring. Everything which tends to perpetuate the Old Order is reactionary. Everything which continues to work within the framework of the past is reactionary. Everything which tends to foster decadence is reactionary. All falsehood, all hypocrisy and opportunism are reactionary. As such, they are transitory and will not last. Only that which embraces hard reality and difficult truth will form part of something new and wonderful. Only it can truly be called revolutionary, for it will endure. It alone will furnish the spiritual foundation—the radiant nucleus—of a new age.

Today there is but one Idea which may be regarded as the regenerating seed of a revolutionary New Order; but one Idea which can serve as a spiritual standard for post-Western man; but one Idea which holds the key to the future. It is the magnificent and mighty Idea of Adolf Hitler.

Faith of the Future, 6

by Matt Koehl

We Also have to understand the elephants in our own room.

My working hypothesis is that this is because all these seemingly secular people, who are also boomers, have not abandoned Christian ethics. It is precisely Christian ethics, as well as not rebelling against their American project, which makes them blind to a superior nation as was Germany. Perhaps one of the bridges that helps us link the two worlds is Strom’s library work? There is much to read in the process of education that never ends: an antidote to the brainwashing machinery that is the West today, as Oliver called it.

– C. T

We Might even hope for a collapse, by us or by nature.

What does the future look like in the next crisis? Mr Rickards was quick to point out he doesn’t foresee a dystopian future or an end of the world scenario. However, he said he did expect the crisis will begin with “enormous social unrest”. Elaborating on this statement, Mr Rickards noted the veneer of civilisation is “paper thin”.

“We saw this in August 2005 with Hurricane Katrina in the US where the city of New Orleans was cut off and order broke down within days. By the second day, people were becoming desperate for food and water. By the third day, violence had broken out. You have vigilantes, looters, and the national guard moving in. Civilised behaviour only lasts about three days in the absence of reliable water, food, electricity and all the things we take for granted.”

In a situation where banks are closed and people can’t access their money, Mr Rickards said social disorder will break out “quite quickly”. This will be followed by a breakdown of internal systems. “This is how complex civilisations collapse. It isn’t a barbarian invasion, but an internal collapse, because of too much bureaucracy, too much taxation, and complexity.”

He said the social disorder will be most acute in major metropolitan areas. To survive this new system, Mr Rickards anticipates communities will shift to a semi-barter system where skills are traded and silver, or gold if you have it, can be used to buy food and other essentials. As the crisis unfolds, the US dollar is expected to become worthless—with gold the primary valuable commodity.

Action includes eugenics.

“Günther never retracted his teachings. He published in 1951 a book that provides some guidelines for the election of a spouse and in 1959 another warning: that in Europe the stupidest people reproduced faster than the intelligent ones, and that that process had to be stopped by ‘family planning’. Günther contributed to the organisation of the Northern League (a Nordicist organization) and denied the Jewish holocaust until his death.”

The conviction of the strength of the inheritance may have been weakened by the penetration of Christian ideas, with their accentuation of the separation of body and soul, spirit and flesh… (‘People and State, Inheritance and Selection’).

We must not be afraid to express an unpleasant fact for many educated people of our day: that the same vital laws are valid for the human being as for the animal. It is a side-effect of the medieval-ecclesiastical separation of body and soul, of flesh and spirit, that today more than one cultured person, before the hereditary health doctrine, speaks disparagingly of ‘animal husbandry’ or ‘dog breeding’. It has never seemed plausible to me that the animal is something so low that a comparison with Man cannot be authorised (Ibid.).

The large sums of money that today serve to lower the cultural level will be free, for example, for child allowances in economically weak families with good hereditary predispositions; that is, families that despite their good hereditary predispositions are in a state of need (Ibid.).

Especially for the hereditary capable female youth it is necessary to tell her, in the face of the current educational hoax, that for the German people it is vital that a hereditary high-value young woman, after the corresponding election of the spouse, see her hereditary qualities reborn in a group of their own children, and not through… the academic path of lack of children (Ibid.).

Letting the man speak.

It is the duty of the Racial State to repair the damages caused in this system. It must begin by making the question of Race the central point of general life. The State has to ensure the preservation of its purity and to consecrate the child as the most precious asset of the people…

Supported by the State, racial ideology will eventually achieve the advent of a better time, in which men will be less concerned with the selection of dogs, horses and cats than raising the racial level of Man himself. (My Fight, Volume II, chapter 2.)

When I tasted the soup of the people of Schleswig-Holstein, it occurred to me that the gruel of the Spartans cannot have been very different. In the time of the great migrations, the tribes were the product of ceaseless mixtures. The men who arrived in the South were not the same as those who went away. One can imagine two hundred young Friesians setting out for the South, like a tank setting out across the country, and carrying with them men belonging to other tribes. The Croats are certainly more Germanic than Slav. The Esthonians, too, have a lot of Germanic blood (Table Talk).

More importantly, we must educate young people about the beauty of the movement, the beauty of the body and the beauty of the spirit. Athletics, personal development, physical training, public competitions, and the resurgence of artistic representations based on Greek models, will help girls know how the man who deserves them should be, and also that the boys know what is the ideal woman. They will voluntarily turn their backs to the flirtatious dolls with dyed hair, painted faces, thick lips and red nails…

And a high selective ‘yes’ will become more important as we look like the people as a single entity. From an early age, day-care, elementary school, Hitler Youth and the German Girls League, all classes must join… (Quoted by Otto Wagener in Hitler: Memories of a Confidant.)

I have studied with great interest the laws of several American States dedicated to preventing the reproduction of persons whose progeny would not be of any value or would be harmful to racial lineage. I am sure that, occasionally, errors occur as a result. But the possibility of excess and error is still not a demonstration of the incorrectness of these laws (Ibid.).

“1945 was the year of the total inversion of Aryan values into Christian values.” —Joseph Walsh

“Berlin could be wiped out—or bolshevized—and Germany, cut in two or in four, could, for years and years, suffer such an ordeal as no nation in history had yet suffered. In spite of all, National Socialism, the modern expression of cosmic truth, would endure and conquer. “

The future will be aryan.

We end in these notes, may wellbeing be with you, and must you work yourself.

Nikolaso, White Man’s Troubles

Being Finnish

What most Finnish neglect of themselves


When you hear about the Finns, your thoughts on them is variable, a mysterious nation…

Finns may not be happy how the government might run, or anything else in that matter, but we are happy as a people, we are happy that we are together, as one. We are very nation oriented, and have high trust, relaxedness, based on nature- lifestyle. As we live our lives very simply, some Finns might come across as ignorant. Their naturalistic lifestyle, and rational thinking may fit some holes in the question they are presented, but most Finns follow basic mainstream news, and as said, their high trust is part of that. Recently all of that has changed, not the lifestyle particularly, but the way we go on about our ignorance. In such a heated time, it is almost impossible for any who cares whatsoever about whatever, could not want to engage in, perhaps politics, or everyday conversations, of their nation’s future. There pops the nation orientation, they, we, want to keep it that way, that we can trust once more.

Any Finn that might follow even the basic mainstream media, -that has been very “leftist”, controlled by opposition-, can still come to the realization of where we are heading as a people, as the Nordic, as Europeans… Everyday treatment on us, has always been problematic the recent few years. Even our most praised president, Kekkonen, wasn’t perfect, and quite left leaning himself, yet he had the audacity to be in touch with the  common people, because that is in our values, nation oriented, high trust, naturalistic…     and that made him preferable through out the times, at-least he had in is mind, the people. Of the so called ‘everyday treatment‘, it concludes to the way as Americans, Europeans, are living today, as there’s going on this push, to blame you as the evil, the devil, and to simply forget your past, accomplishments, and for younger Finnish generation, it is working, and at the same time- not.

We have our values, our culture, essentially our race, our way of thinking, and that is, if the enemy erases this, as they erase the white culture, the European, Finno-Ugric… culture, a man forgets what he ought to be, and that is what I fear to see, and to be thrown onto my brothers and sisters at school. The teachers and media have the audacity to   blame us or try to subvert us, in the recent trends such as follows; Homosexuality, Multiculturalism, Diversity, Tolerance, Anti-Whiteness, Holocaust The students won’t even question “Why is this normal?” “You aren’t actually explaining why we should accept these new virtues” Etc! and for that I say, yes, they aren’t at all explained in the schoolbooks, they just are. As my music teacher once said “Obviously everybody knows  that racism is bad…”, which was just an absurd statement, subverting the minds of the children, or anybody, to think; “Well, it just is bad! It is bad, because others hate it too! I   see it in the media, I see it in the streets!THAT, my friends, is fear. How a man is to have a conversation, when everything in his eyes is to be against him, he doesn’t matter, yet he matters enough to be taxed, to be robbed, to be blamed, to be used as a scapegoat, be a slave, and to be hand-in-hand with them who ought to destroy him, he himself goes to destroy, the very being of him, his family, his race. A white majority Finland, doesn’t seem to stand up, when they see something that is Anti-Them, Anti-Finn! It is there, yet there is not enough voice, there’s not enough movement, there might be dozens who don’t accept that this happens to them, but there just isn’t any action. For why there isn’t action, is the high trust that we have, we think, it all sorts itself out one way or another and in a way, our ignorance, or as I said, fear. Most Finns have a job, they have lived that way for a long time, and as the whole state is against you, how can you act?   Well, about 10 years old movement (or older), called the Nordic Resistance Movement. in Finnish; Vastarinta (Resistance Movement/Finland’s Resistance Movement) is a National Socialist movement, which opposes all these forced-by-fear virtues that the whole European world has been shocked with, but most importantly, that the Finns have been shocked with

People in the Vastarinta have jobs, and families themselves, and they keep going in action, which is admirable. They hold patriotic, nationalistic, wake-up-call way speeches at public spaces, putting pamphlets around places, and their determination has been recognized at the public, as how small your group would be, or even an individual, is a threat to the elites’ brainwashing plan. There’s been few attempts at silencing this group, failed attempts. In this case, oddly enough the elites have followed the Finnish law, which gives the Movement a lawful pass, and as the movement has never threatened anybody with violence, or done anything wrong, and as they try to help Finnish people themselves (National Socialist ideology/Worldview = Common gain, before individual gain.) also through charity, which later on, the media labelled as dangerous and otherwise disgusting, which is laughable, as it is sad attempt to criminalize everything that “Nutzis” do.

Edit 2020: I have come weary of the NRM, as if they are too scared to discuss “Finno-Ugric Race” as is (Allowing gypsies and other muds in their group) or if they are never going to act, by this I mean; scared of violence. Just like all good old nationalists, they are ready to “defend” (As little as they can) but never to offend as much as possible. Even trolling/sabotage/targeted vandalism goes a long way. They could have started the “Fixit” trend before Huhtasaari/Perussuomalaiset did. It is still quite a respectable news outlet to see what is currently going on. But like most nationalist non-revolutionaries or thinkers, you start to jump of their cart, and go your own way.

This movement tries it’s best through peaceful ways, as the land of the Finns itself is still quite peaceful (Edit 2020: Happy mode, but as Chechar states, all of us need to turn into Angry mode) yet I can’t count my money on what happens at the South, Helsinki. (Finnish capital) Most immigrants are certainly inhabiting there (Taking a quick walk at the city will make you puke), yet at the recent happenings in Finland, is that they do live in Oulu too, very surprising to me when I first heard about it! Oulu is much colder, largest city in the North, which has had one of thee horrific crimes in the name of diversity, and child exploitation (by Muslims/Arabs/Somalis – 93% precent!). Of course as I made my assumption on the South of Finland, absolutely there happens these vile acts against humanity, too, but I didn’t expect a snowy cold place. There’s also a lot of cities where there’s large “Anti-Nazi” movements, and there they trash the city in the name of “peace“. Those are the new age, “Americanized” people, maybe foreigners themselves. Large cities are the worse places to live, as they are the melting pots of multiculturalism and liberalism. Anybody with a sense of mind, would lose their mind over there! Yet, as there are these “worser” places, the large cities, overall there really isn’t a good place to live on. Large city, a small city, countryside, forest, it’s all so tiresome and painful, not because you would be lazy, or not helping enough, it’s the state, the government, the officials, who make it worse for Finnish people, and extra on the top, the rich diversity that follows, and that your tax payer money goes, and as the government takes on more debt. Our culture is also hitting a wreckage, as Finnish people are very on their own nation oriented or at least the last generation was… some of us have already lost our touch with our Finnishness, our race, or maybe even our Nordic ways, or European ways. I can report what I have seen race based;

  • White couples with black children
  • White men with a Thai woman or/ men moving directly to Thailand
  • Whites converted to Islam
  • Mixed children
  • Asian families
  • Russian families or other European families
  • Other minority groups
  • Reproduction at its lowest
  • Immigration at its highest

White couples with black children: These are the people who 1. A man’s pathetic girlfriend fucked a black man 2. They feel apologetic for their whiteness, for their ‘wickedness’, it’s almost as if the olden ways of church, where you had to pay for your sins (and perhaps still do), and that goes onto this, they are trying to pay for their “sins” by having black children and hating themselves into oblivion.

White man with a Thai woman: My cousins are Thai. (I’m not) It’s a common trend amongst the last generation (Or this Finnish in general) to get on with a Thai woman, as they hold the believe that Asian women are more housewife, modest, feminine material. This is a problem, that the left also pushes, they push for feminism, which you may know, is sadly a part of Finnish history. You may have heard of Minna Canth.

I am not counting on her actually being a ‘cunt’  but Feminism all the way has been a bad movement, there’s nothird, second, first wave feminism“, it was always the thought of “I want to be a man, this is so oppressing oh gosh. Let me vote, let me be “free” at doing manly jobs, let me be a man” It’s simply hedonistic and egoistic, they are trying to compete with each other rather than help and love each other. Being a male and a female hold great value morally too, as it shows companionship through hard times, no matter what, and each other needs each other. As this post isn’t exactly about feminism, and I could go more in depth about it on an another post, I leave it there.

The lack of femininity raises white men to seek REAL women, even at the expense of losing their race, and giving way into the dangers it holds, they just want to feel like a man in the household, a father.

Whites converted to Islam: This is an odd one, that me and my friend have been weirded by… Whites, or Finns, converting to Islam. That I can’t even understand. Why would they be with an Arab man in the first place? These questions may lie on the questions of feminism and constant need for acceptance, white quiltEither-way, I have seen white women wearing burkas, and already having their darling mixed mongrels

Asian families: These might be mixed children that I have seen, but they have had striking Asian features, so I’d say Asian. This is also a sad part of the diversifying Finland, as Asians choose to flee to Finland. This what makes me question their own morals, I do know that some of them might me North Koreans, or Chinese, trying to flee for a better place (Not that I find that justifiable in any means for our race to get erased) but what about the others? Or maybe even them, the North Koreans etc.. Living in a highly Asian nation, later going to a VERY multicultural country, and the kids become resentful, and get all dumbed down, making way for their own pleasures, their own needs, to marry a white man, black, or brown. The Asians still feel very connected to their Asian community and rather stay there, like everybody else feels the same, yet there they had to let it all go. Of course for them, marrying a white man is never a problem. I watched a video of an asian man interviewing asian women, I’d say 100% said positively to marrying a white man. 

Russians or other European families: This might come as puzzling for you, but Finns have always felt very against any immigration, even European one. As Finns in my mind, might have their own race, it would explain that too, but that’s actually what every Nation feels, even a non-Finn one would feel the same way of somebody else coming to their country!… I have always felt ill towards the Swedish, (Not for the Swedish in Sweden anymore, but just the “Swedish-Finnish“) just the elitistic way of acting above the Finns, and well.. they aren’t Finnish, and as they are the minority, it causes problems. Russians, English, Swedish, American, they all are very connected to who they are, and they should be. Each of us is inherently different. Some certain races would even need to die down (even ‘European’ ones, and if it would be proved, even Finnish ones, if it is deemed appropriate for a better future on Earth with no unneeded races and troublemakers. “Eugenics”)

Other minority groups: As I said, minorities cause problems, and then there are these that really just have their own thing, one example is; Gypsies.  Typical gypsy in a Finnish person’s mind is a; Stealing, on welfare, annoying. For the stealing, it’s on their history, and their ways of living in the past. On welfare: They usually don’t work, like most minorities and non-Finnish/non-European. Annoying comes from them being a minority, and them shouting about them being gypsies, always wearing their traditional dresses around, and acting just not in the way a Finnish person would. Of course, these gypsies are “White Gypsies” (What you would picture a Gypsy looking a lot darker in skin and with a more defined Arabian/African faces) . One other group is the evermore famous group; Saame. Finns respect them, but lately they’ve tried to get their points on the minority checks, which for me and some others, comes as annoying, and in some social platforms, we might call them “lichenniggers” or anything like that… And as we Finns all might have our ancestry on them, it is a weird phenomena for them to feel bad about “us”, but, they do have their own language, and traditions, which makes them on the same level as Swedish, but they are not the elitists, they are the Finns in that position. Swedish > Finnish > Saame, in that order. Mostly speculating on here, I have a hole in my head about “Finnish race” and overall “Saame race” on how much they would differ.

But please Finnish brothers and sisters, we are going through tough times, and for these times we have to take a stand, we have to fight, we have to back up each other, YOUyou are white, you are a Finn, you are hated. You’ve seen the amount of love, warmness you have for being in your community, you see the warmness others have on their community, protect this! Keep the thought! For our love for each other is eternal, and we ought not to be separated… 

And what? Oh, what you neglect of yourselves… The title I put, the conclusion might have shown in my earlier text, but what you neglect is that, you are worth it, you have an awesome culture, you have SISU (cheesy, I know). For you to think being worthless in mere capitalistic or material levels, is astonishing. Thinking of yourself so low, is a result from believing the propaganda they spew, to hate yourself, to forget your past, and for this I say, and many of us, DO NOT FORGET! Past, Present, Future, DO NOT FORGET. For us was the past, for us is the present, for us is the future, and in this future, in the present, we build ourselves to be even prouder. Remember, that there might be even more to you than they let know, we might even have one of the highest IQ’s, may or may not, dumb we are not, and I have seen that in you. Indulge yourself in your own culture= Literature, Poems, Movies, Art, Tribalism, Self-sustaining hunting and building.

Keep going.  – Nikolaso, Author at My Jorney. (Jorney intentionally written wrong)

Recommended reading on the Finnish subject, and the recent attacks of diversity is here:

Ed Dutton with an Evolutionary Perspective on the Rape of Finland

I have many irons on fire right now, so I can’t research more on these subjects. I’d love to contribute myself more to academic texts. You should try that too, start with criticizing democracy.